Biographies from the First World War (names beginning with F)

Where the surnames below have a link, there is a biography of the man on this website. Biographies of the other men listed have not yet been written.

If you would like to research one of these men, please get in touch

2nd Lieut William Reginald Favell

Albert Edward Field
W Fleming
W Fletcher
G Fowler
H Fox
J W Fox
Jas Fox
James Fox
William Joshua Fox
Leonard Fox
Darrell Hartfield Foxon
John Montague Foxon
Frederick Roy Francis
James H Francis
E W Furness
Samuel Arnold Furness

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A Ba-Bi Bl-Br Bu-By C D-E
F G Ha-He Hi-Hu I-K L
Ma-Mc Me-Mu N-O P R Sa-Sn
So-Sw T-V Wa-Wh Wi-Wy