Biographies from the First World War (names beginning with L)

These biographies have not yet been written.

If you would like to research one of these men, please get in touch
C W E B Langton
G D Lant
Francis Emlyn Larder
A Lawson
A E Lawton
R Lee
J Lidster
A Lindley
C A Lockwood
H T Lockwood
Private Farewell Lomas
D C Long
Major Ernest William Longden
Albert Lovell
Private Frank Arthur Loversidge

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A Ba-Bi Bl-Br Bu-By C D-E
F G Ha-He Hi-Hu I-K L
Ma-Mc Me-Mu N-O P R Sa-Sn
So-Sw T-V Wa-Wh Wi-Wy