Record of FHG meeting 15/8/24

Record of FULWOOD HISTORY GROUP MEETING 15th August 2024

Present: D.A., J.B., A.C., M.L., K.P.

August’s meeting was to take the form of a walk-through of the Heritage Open Days tour but due to the wet and chilly weather, it took place under cover at the Rising Sun.

We produced a plan for this year’s guided walk – Sporting Fulwood (14th September):

  1. Old Fulwood Road:
    1. AC historical background
    2. 4/Blacksmith’s Arms/Hammer & Pincers – bowling green?, location for sporting competitions – pigeon shooting and venue for Hallamshire Hunt annual dinner in April 1863
    3. Before construction of ‘new’ section of Fulwood Road – field behind pub used for sports
    4. 1854 ‘capital cricket club’
    5. 1860 Hallam FC
    6. Willow Football Club 1886
    7. Porter Valley sports at Forge Dam, Wire Mill Dam, Jacob’s Ladder: boating – e.g. 1963 rescue Neville Haigh & Dick Hill (DM), model boats (F. Soc newsletters), swimming. skating (see 1938 film footage Yorks. Film Archive) & Sheffield Independent 5th February 1912 .  skiing (Yorks Film Archive footage from 1938 & F. Soc newsletters from 1970s/80s and C.M. recollections)
    8. Health Authority Sports facilities, tennis courts, old hut
  1. Move onto Fulwood Road, near to Guild Hall for view across road of site of former sports fields:
    1. Works grounds: Joseph Rogers (cricket ground), Cornish Works, Dixons 1920s, DA’s recollection re great grandmother’s brothers playing cricket at Round Stubbin – could have been within current churchyard? DM’s aunt – hockey
    2. Transport provided by firms
    3. Motivation for this – avoid Communism, drink and preparation for war
    4. FC&SSCC: Fulwood Church & Sunday School Cricket Club
    5. Key roles of church and pubs in supporting participation in sports
    6. Brooklands Avenue tennis club
  1. Cross road to verge at bottom of Stumperlowe Hall Road to walk between two former sports grounds and note former Bowling Green House

Google Maps 2024

  1. Turn left into Slayleigh Lane and to Fulwood Sports Club
  2. Walk up to Hallam Grange Lawn Tennis Club: ML
  3. Review – incl. social/political aspects:
  4. Changes over time: reflecting changes in demographic/population as Fulwood moved from rural community into suburban – inclusivity/exclusivity
  5. Handouts? Maps? Laminated images to show/share?
  6. Next meeting 19th September: meet at Broomhill Library for debrief and plan ahead – walks, meetings, projects and events




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